1.   Attracting crowds by beating a small hand drum called a dugdugi, he exhibits pictures of leprosy patients.

2.   In addition, there was strong support for the leprosy patients among the Japanese public.

3.   Jacob Sheskin, an Israeli dermatologist, used thalidomide still in stock to help sedate leprosy patients.

4.   Japan has lagged decades behind the rest of the world in its treatment of leprosy patients.

5.   She started her humanitarian career as a nurse working with a community of exiled leprosy patients on the Korean island of So-rok-do.

6.   Since then, thalidomide has been distributed to leprosy patients worldwide to treat not only skin lesions but stomach disorders, skin grafts and severe oral and genital ulcers.

7.   Staines had spent his adult life running a home for leprosy patients.

8.   Staines, the local director of the Evangelical Missionary Society, ran a hospital for leprosy patients.

9.   The announcement Wednesday was a major victory for leprosy patients, whose plight had gone largely unnoticed by the government.

10.   Until recently, Hawaiian law allowed leprosy patients to change their names and places of birth on their birth certificates, presumably to spare their families from shame.

n. + patient >>共 434
cancer 24.49%
heart 6.61%
hospital 4.67%
transplant 3.15%
dialysis 2.62%
stroke 2.47%
kidney 2.32%
breast 2.28%
surgery 1.33%
asthma 1.29%
leprosy 1.25%
leprosy + n. >>共 27
patient 41.25%
victim 11.25%
sufferer 6.25%
center 3.75%
bacterium 2.50%
case 2.50%
clinic 2.50%
infection 2.50%
law 2.50%
research 2.50%
每页显示:    共 33