cancer patient 42.46   Ask cancer patients about hope.
  heart patient 11.45   Heart patients get a new treatment.
  hospital patient 8.10   He looks like a hospital patient.
  transplant patient 5.46   Transplant patients may not need drugs.
  dialysis patient 4.54   Dialysis patients do not have a ton of time.
  stroke patient 4.28   The registry would track stroke patients.
  kidney patient 4.02   A second kidney patient followed a year ago.
  breast patient 3.95   So what should breast cancer patients know?
  surgery patient 2.30   Surgery patients now spend much less time in the hospital.
  asthma patient 2.24   He said the drug could pose a breathing risk for asthma patients.
  burn patient 2.17   Fifteen burn patients from Germany had pig skin grafts.
  leprosy patient 2.17   He particularly worked hard to rehabilitate leprosy patients.
  leukemia patient 2.11   Thompson is a leukemia patient.
  ulcer patient 1.71   Kalloo said most ulcer patients recover quickly and are unlikely to relapse.
  disease patient 1.58   Two coeliac disease patients in group B showed a selective IgA deiciency.
  gall patient 1.25   Further, low dose ursodeoxycholic acid frequently desaturates bile in gall stone patients.
  lung patient 1.25   Fifty-eight were lung cancer patients.
  brain patient 1.18   A brain cancer patient has an MRI to locate the tumor.
  chemotherapy patient 1.12   Overall, the chemotherapy patients scored significantly worse, though most were still thinking clearly.
  cholesterol patient 1.12   The reason for the greater total lipid concentration in cholesterol gall stone patients is not clear at present.
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