1.   MDT is an effective treatment and could cure all the leprosy sufferers worldwide.

2.   It would be inhumane to deny all relevant leprosy sufferers the benefit of this drug.

3.   Authorities in Jilib have already expressed concern about the sudden influx of leprosy sufferers.

4.   The three-day conference also pledged to reach out to leprosy sufferers neglected by governments and global health agencies.

5.   The Kumamoto court ruled that the state was responsible for discrimination against leprosy sufferers and abuses which included forced sterilization and abortion.

n. + sufferer >>共 93
allergy 14.15%
asthma 12.58%
migraine 7.55%
cancer 6.92%
arthritis 5.03%
flu 4.72%
pain 2.83%
dementia 2.52%
plague 1.89%
disease 1.89%
leprosy 1.57%
leprosy + n. >>共 27
patient 41.25%
victim 11.25%
sufferer 6.25%
center 3.75%
bacterium 2.50%
case 2.50%
clinic 2.50%
infection 2.50%
law 2.50%
research 2.50%
每页显示:    共 5