1.   Junk shops and smaller museums became a more satisfactory hunting ground for her.

2.   Liverpool gets scruffier every day, with junk shops springing up all over.

3.   Apalach has plenty of oyster dives, a few fine dining places and lots of antiques and junk shops with bargains.

4.   As a youth he collected art in junk shops.

5.   A trip to a junk shop or even a Staples can send tremors of creative energy through them.

6.   After all, he ran a junk shop in a tourist town.

7.   For one of the building additions, she buys window frames at various junk shops or on sale to save money.

8.   Galleries and boutiques have replaced the junk shops and flophouses.

9.   He began scouring flea markets and junk shops for folk art while still in high school.

10.   I worked in junk shop and then I drove a gypsy cab and then I got a cart with churros.

n. + shop >>共 761
gift 10.57%
repair 5.30%
souvenir 3.40%
barber 2.69%
specialty 2.49%
retail 2.18%
butcher 2.05%
pawn 1.68%
auto 1.65%
sex 1.35%
junk 0.42%
junk + n. >>共 109
e-mail 27.38%
shop 5.34%
status 4.18%
yard 3.94%
car 3.48%
e-mailer 2.78%
debt 2.78%
science 2.78%
dealer 2.78%
rating 2.78%
每页显示:    共 23