1.   As a result, some investors are still opening their pockets to buy junk debt.

2.   BankBoston is building a team to underwrite publicly traded junk debt and expects regulators will give it approval to launch the business next year.

3.   But buying junk debt today means a bet that the economy will avoid a recession and begin to bounce back by year-end.

4.   But you are more worried about so-called junk debt than anything else, right?

5.   Companies reduced junk debt, pared their workforces and eliminated non-core businesses.

6.   Even if the nation slips into a recession and default rates rise on junk debt, prices of these already depressed bonds are not likely to crater.

7.   Kmart Corp. and Apple Computer Inc. are going after both varieties at once, by selling junk debt convertible into stock.

8.   Should the economy take a sudden downward turn, the issuers of junk debt would have trouble repaying their debt and investors could be left holding the bag.

9.   The biggest sale of junk debt on the horizon is coming from Trump and some of his affiliates.

10.   The new cash reverses outflows of about the same amount in the previous two weeks as some investors retreated from junk debt amid a decline in Treasury bonds.

n. + debt >>共 222
government 19.84%
consumer 8.87%
bank 7.36%
market 5.78%
currency 3.94%
tax 3.02%
dollar 2.69%
credit-card 2.69%
wage 1.91%
margin 1.64%
junk 0.79%
junk + n. >>共 109
e-mail 27.38%
shop 5.34%
status 4.18%
yard 3.94%
car 3.48%
e-mailer 2.78%
debt 2.78%
science 2.78%
dealer 2.78%
rating 2.78%
每页显示:    共 12