1.   Anti-industry scares based on junk science often can be spotted simply because they appear out of nowhere and quickly sweep across the nation.

2.   Civil libertarians who railed against this intrusion into free speech were called champions of junk science.

3.   Junk science is the sort of pseudo science that often makes headlines.

4.   Junk history, like junk science, is suffused with the supernatural, the amazing, the conspiratorial.

5.   Junk science is a favorite tactic for aginners.

6.   Lawyers representing women who said the drug had damaged their children brought experts into court who were unqualified to comment and were propounding junk science, critics said.

7.   Some scientists dismiss biodynamic farming as junk science and question its impact on grape quality.

8.   The defense would like people to believe this is junk science.

9.   The secondhand smoke ruse, however, has been discredited as an exercise in junk science.

10.   To decide, based upon junk science, which child could go to college and which must work on a farm was unjust and clearly anti-democratic, they argued.

n. + science >>共 130
computer 51.42%
rocket 8.38%
food 2.85%
junk 2.01%
exercise 1.68%
sport 1.68%
health 1.51%
management 1.34%
plant 1.17%
brain 1.01%
junk + n. >>共 109
e-mail 27.38%
shop 5.34%
status 4.18%
yard 3.94%
car 3.48%
e-mailer 2.78%
debt 2.78%
science 2.78%
dealer 2.78%
rating 2.78%
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