1.   And then she tells stories of what she has seen in places like the Sudan, Rwanda and Zaire, in leprosy camps and jungle outposts.

2.   Our interests and resources shifted from the American ghetto to that jungle outpost in Southeast Asia.

3.   Royal Phnom Penh does serve some out-of-the-way locations, including jungle outposts popular with illegal loggers and smugglers shipping cigarettes and gold into Vietnam.

4.   After their release, the men were given food, baths and spare military fatigues to wear at the jungle outpost of Lago Agrio.

5.   Colombian jungle outpost is nerve-center in the war on drugs.

6.   Khan was blinded in one eye but managed to walk the next day to the nearest police station in the small jungle outpost of Mahdia, the reports said.

7.   The Internet links jungle outposts to Wall Street.

8.   The military occupation all but shut down the cocaine trade in Remolinos del Caguan, forcing thousands to flee the jungle outpost.

9.   While skepticism about the drug war grows among some critics, so does this jungle outpost where the campaign is anchored.

10.   Marcos said on leaving his jungle outpost that he would refrain from commenting on the new armed group until after meeting with other EZLN officials and aides.

n. + outpost >>共 67
army 31.04%
police 11.45%
border 8.65%
militia 5.34%
desert 3.56%
hilltop 3.31%
government 3.05%
mountain 3.05%
space 2.80%
jungle 2.54%
jungle + n. >>共 270
area 6.34%
region 6.23%
base 5.78%
hideout 4.30%
camp 3.51%
town 2.72%
warfare 1.93%
terrain 1.70%
border 1.59%
road 1.47%
outpost 1.13%
每页显示:    共 10