jungle area 3.69   The rebel leadership moved to another jungle area.
  jungle region 3.62   The remote, jungle region is a rebel stronghold.
  jungle base 3.36   Rebels operated from jungle bases in eastern Sri Lanka.
  jungle hideout 2.50   APTV reports from their jungle hideout.
  jungle camp 2.04   The rebels had been holding six Europeans in their jungle camp.
  jungle town 1.58   Guerrillas moved their administrative offices into other jungle towns.
  jungle warfare 1.12   The wizards of Hollywood can create convincing jungle warfare on a sound stage.
  jungle terrain 0.99   Rugged jungle terrain made accessing the site difficult.
  jungle border 0.92   For several months the army has been beefing up its presence along the jungle border.
  jungle road 0.86   They were removing mines along a jungle road at the time.
  jungle stronghold 0.86   He died last month in a jungle stronghold.
  jungle habitat 0.79   The wildlife is threatened by the incursion of humans into their jungle habitat, she said.
  jungle village 0.79   Jungle villages destroyed in coup fighting.
  jungle trail 0.72   Truong cut an arrogant dash, sources say, cruising jungle trails in a flash Japanese sedan.
  jungle canopy 0.66   Watch Tarzan whiz through the jungle canopy, surfing along branches.
  jungle hide-outs 0.66   But rebels continue to target Jaffna from their jungle hide-outs.
  jungle outpost 0.66   The Internet links jungle outposts to Wall Street.
  jungle cat 0.59   Others glide across the boxing ring like jungle cats.
  jungle floor 0.59   Sgt. Chuck Hagel had watched friends writhe in agony on the jungle floor.
  jungle headquarters 0.59   Fossey was killed in her jungle headquarters, presumably by poachers.
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