1.   Cleansing the military is all the more difficult because Toledo must also confront the recent re-emergence of some Maoist Shining Path terrorist units in remote jungle regions.

2.   Meanwhile, demonstrators in the southeastern jungle region of Guaviare blocked an airport runway to prevent anti-narcotics police planes from landing.

3.   She and other volunteers went to the jungle region of northern Guatemala to accompany returning refugees who fled to Mexico during years when security forces massacred thousands of peasants.

4.   The project would be based in Aguaytia in the jungle region of the central part of Peru.

5.   They voiced hopes that military operations underway in the jungle regions of Meta and Guaviare will strengthen their leverage in future talks.

6.   Those men were the latest casualties in a long-running conflict in this lush jungle region.

7.   Other foreigners have also been seen in the jungle region.

8.   Paramilitary forces had never before ventured into Putumayo, a remote jungle region on the border with Ecuador.

9.   A government commission arrived Monday in Putumayo, a jungle region in southern Colombia where farmers have staged a week-long strike.

10.   All the hostages were members of an expedition researching the flora and fauna of the jungle region.

n. + region >>共 488
border 21.61%
mountain 4.34%
desert 3.62%
week 3.00%
afternoon 2.55%
brain 2.51%
jungle 2.46%
year 2.33%
la 1.88%
delta 1.52%
jungle + n. >>共 270
area 6.34%
region 6.23%
base 5.78%
hideout 4.30%
camp 3.51%
town 2.72%
warfare 1.93%
terrain 1.70%
border 1.59%
road 1.47%
每页显示:    共 55