1.   And seeing those dividend payments and stock splits are their own reward for the long, hard work of being an informed investor.

2.   But informed investors can mitigate those risks by making intelligent choices based on solid research instead of speculative pro forma earnings statements.

3.   None of these conflicts of interest should come as news to reasonably informed investors.

4.   This increases the likelihood, at least in the beginning, of pricing inefficiencies caused by misaligned risk premiums, which in turn create opportunities for informed investors.

5.   With regional integration, informed investors will have a range ofattractive and secure options in their investment.

a. + investor >>共 447
foreign 25.04%
institutional 8.73%
individual 4.59%
japanese 3.66%
private 3.30%
international 2.69%
small 2.67%
potential 2.40%
new 1.95%
domestic 1.81%
informed 0.02%
informed + n. >>共 164
source 55.87%
decision 6.70%
choice 5.23%
opinion 2.11%
consumer 1.47%
debate 1.38%
observer 1.10%
consent 1.10%
electorate 1.10%
judgment 1.01%
investor 0.46%
每页显示:    共 5