1.   Freedom of information legislation and open government will improve competition and encourage informed debate.

2.   There needs to be a properly informed public debate.

3.   The encouragement of professional readership would allow for informed debate of issues amongst teachers.

4.   He expressed confidence that such computer devotees would sort through the on-line clutter of news and opinion to find a publication offering respected names engaged in informed debate.

5.   Jane Mead, the Massachusetts representative, voted in favor of the recommendations because, she said, they would promote more informed debate.

6.   Katz, who wants a more selective immigration policy favoring highly skilled applicants, thinks the lack of informed debate and the subsequent stalemate are ominous.

7.   Our main aim is to stimulate informed public debate about what is unquestionably an important ethical, legal and social issue.

8.   Precisely because the conflict will not be quick or easy, information will be vital to informed public debate and, ultimately, to sustained public support.

9.   The board proceeded briskly through its business with a good deal of informed debate, but little rancor or recrimination.

10.   The public opinion Web site is worthwhile for anyone who enjoys informed debate.

a. + debate >>共 545
public 6.09%
national 4.36%
political 4.30%
presidential 4.18%
heated 3.99%
televised 3.29%
parliamentary 2.77%
first 2.68%
intense 1.76%
fierce 1.46%
informed 0.15%
informed + n. >>共 164
source 55.87%
decision 6.70%
choice 5.23%
opinion 2.11%
consumer 1.47%
debate 1.38%
observer 1.10%
consent 1.10%
electorate 1.10%
judgment 1.01%
每页显示:    共 15