1.   Integration of the viral genes Nevertheless, some viruses that lack known cancer genes have also been found to induce cancer.

2.   Chromosome damage can in some instances induce cancer, but the study does not maintain that the chromium is carcinogenic.

3.   In addition, laboratory tests show that prostate cancer can be induced in rats by giving them testosterone for long periods of time.

4.   In an experiment last year, Schwartz induced skin cancers in mice by painting their skin with a carcinogen.

5.   More radiation might not eradicate the cancer, and may itself induce cancer later on.

v. + cancer >>共 257
have 23.82%
cause 11.88%
develop 6.61%
prevent 5.38%
fight 4.81%
battle 4.70%
treat 3.68%
detect 3.45%
get 3.39%
diagnose 2.08%
induce 0.14%
induce + n. >>共 370
labor 7.31%
abortion 3.92%
sleep 2.84%
feeling 1.76%
change 1.62%
symptom 1.62%
state 1.35%
tolerance 1.22%
rain 1.22%
current 1.08%
cancer 0.68%
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