1.   Mammography is less accurate at detecting cancers in younger women.

2.   Pap smears and pelvic examinations every three years for women to detect cervical cancer.

3.   There is not yet a single simple method of detecting cancer, yet this would be invaluable.

4.   The published data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow up, where new symptoms are investigated at an early stage.

5.   As long as the cancers are detected early enough, laser treatment can save lives.

6.   A SCANNING system developed by astronomers for classifying stars is exciting the medical world with its potential to detect breast cancer at an early stage.

7.   Among those whose breast cancers were detected by mammograms, there were no differences in survival rates.

v. + cancer >>共 257
have 23.82%
cause 11.88%
develop 6.61%
prevent 5.38%
fight 4.81%
battle 4.70%
treat 3.68%
detect 3.45%
get 3.39%
diagnose 2.08%
detect + n. >>共 983
cancer 3.31%
sign 2.66%
problem 2.66%
presence 2.46%
shower 2.41%
change 1.64%
explosive 1.56%
fraud 1.40%
movement 1.40%
disease 1.40%
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