1.   Cut tortillas into strips and heat oil in a skillet.

2.   Heat oil in a soup pot and saute the onion and garlic for a couple of minutes.

3.   Heat oil in small saucepan over high heat until smoke rises.

4.   Heat sesame oil in large saute pan over high heat until it just begins to smoke.

5.   Heat oil and shortening in a deep frying pan.

6.   Heat oil over medium-high heat in a medium nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray.

7.   Heat oil in wok until smoking hot.

8.   Heat oil and, using tongs, dunk tortillas in oil only long enough for them to become pliable.

9.   Heat oil in a deep heavy-bottom nonstick pan until it is medium hot.

10.   Heat oil in a large, heavy skillet over medium-high heat until it is hot but not smoking.

n. + oil >>共 299
soybean 9.59%
sesame 8.94%
soy 6.68%
canola 4.67%
fish 4.08%
truffle 3.31%
diesel 2.72%
midnight 2.07%
engine 2.01%
cod 1.62%
heat 1.49%
heat + n. >>共 307
source 7.25%
loss 6.85%
stress 3.08%
lamp 2.58%
damage 2.28%
oil 2.28%
transfer 2.18%
index 2.09%
coach 1.89%
buildup 1.79%
每页显示:    共 23