1.   Enteral administration of kaolin in combination with kanamycin has also bee shown to be effective in the prevention of endotoxaemia caused by heat stress and intestinal ischaemia in primates.

2.   Chappell pointed out, for example, that area lawns are beginning to develop signs of heat stress.

3.   Corn and soybean conditions deteriorated as blistering temperatures across the Corn Belt last week caused heat stress and sapped moisture reserves, the government said.

4.   Heat stress is mild and most common, especially among people involved in physical activity, Hathaway said.

5.   Heat stress could result in lower yields.

6.   Heat stress is a general term for the strain placed on the body by hot weather.

7.   However, the heat index does not account for variables like wind or sunshine, which can contribute to heat stress.

8.   However, the heat index does not take into account variables such as wind or sunshine, which also can contribute to heat stress.

9.   However, the heat index does not account for variables such as wind or sunshine, which can contribute to heat stress.

10.   It induces heat stress.

n. + stress >>共 132
heat 10.51%
job 9.49%
workplace 4.07%
wartime 4.07%
holiday 3.73%
official 3.05%
crop 2.71%
drought 2.71%
market 2.03%
work 2.03%
heat + n. >>共 307
source 7.25%
loss 6.85%
stress 3.08%
lamp 2.58%
damage 2.28%
oil 2.28%
transfer 2.18%
index 2.09%
coach 1.89%
buildup 1.79%
每页显示:    共 31