1.   You got a stamp there!

2.   Have you got any stamps?

3.   Yeah I get stamps yeah.

4.   Agency officials learned only halfway houses considered boarding houses should get the stamps on behalf of its residents if the facility meets criteria for need, Wood said.

5.   He went to the library a year ago, checked out high school civics books and concluded he needed federal legislation to get the stamp.

6.   People stood in line to get the stamp.

7.   The winner gets a stamp as special, the loser is largely forgotten.

8.   Where did Napoleon get that stamp?

v. + stamp >>共 142
put 21.90%
issue 7.73%
buy 5.64%
use 4.19%
give 3.54%
have 3.54%
bear 3.22%
collect 3.06%
sell 2.90%
help 2.42%
get 1.45%
get + n. >>共 1164
job 2.72%
help 1.70%
money 1.63%
attention 1.46%
chance 1.45%
call 1.33%
lot 1.27%
information 1.22%
ball 1.21%
boost 1.07%
stamp 0.01%
每页显示:    共 9