1.   Cheaper that way, they sell stamps and save fuel.

2.   It earns foreign currency by selling Pitcairn stamps, which used to be popular with collectors.

3.   An electronic post office should begin selling stamps over the Internet early next year, the U.S. Postal Service said this week.

4.   For its part, the Postal Service says Olympic officials should be running the Games, not selling stamps or delivering the mail.

5.   In a first for the U.S. Postal Service, a premium first-class stamp will be sold Thursday with proceeds going to fund breast cancer research.

6.   In machines that sell stamps, one of the four cassettes is converted to dispense stamps.

7.   It sells stamps from automated tellers.

8.   Sold stamps.

9.   Stamps are now sold on the Internet.

10.   The answer is that post offices in Switzerland do a whole lot more than sell stamps.

v. + stamp >>共 142
put 21.90%
issue 7.73%
buy 5.64%
use 4.19%
give 3.54%
have 3.54%
bear 3.22%
collect 3.06%
sell 2.90%
help 2.42%
sell + n. >>共 820
share 5.90%
stock 4.24%
product 3.84%
bond 2.67%
ticket 2.19%
dollar 2.01%
stake 1.74%
asset 1.72%
car 1.42%
drug 1.39%
stamp 0.05%
每页显示:    共 18