1.   Even in such forbidding places as the arctic mining city of Vorkuta, where nothing much grows except lichen, people gather mushrooms in the tundra in July.

2.   Gathering mushrooms is illegal in much of the Bay Area because of the damage it can do to the ecosystem.

3.   Once Emile and Bazata escaped the attention of nearby Germans by pretending to be innocent Frenchmen gathering mushrooms.

4.   Suljic gathered white mushrooms for them to eat.

5.   The mushrooms are gathered wild and in huge quantity in the Pacific Northwest, but have been farmed so far with minimal success.

v. + mushroom >>共 125
add 12.97%
eat 8.73%
pick 4.48%
remove 4.25%
saute 4.01%
place 2.83%
cut 1.89%
chop 1.89%
use 1.89%
grow 1.65%
gather 1.18%
gather + n. >>共 706
information 15.45%
evidence 8.84%
datum 4.80%
momentum 3.01%
steam 2.88%
intelligence 2.61%
signature 2.46%
support 2.46%
dust 2.41%
strength 2.39%
mushroom 0.12%
每页显示:    共 5