1.   Candidates did not have to gather any signatures of voters or pay any sort of fee to appear on the ballot.

2.   The group also filed a proposed district map and request for a petition to begin gathering signatures.

3.   To force an election, the union must gather the signatures of a majority of employees.

4.   Both initiatives died last week because their backers failed to gather enough signatures.

5.   A bistate campaign organization has hired a professional petition firm to gather signatures in Johnson and Wyandotte counties.

6.   A spokesman said additional signatures were being gathered and an attempt was under way to include state and local officeholders.

7.   Activists have already begun gathering signatures for a fourth shutdown campaign.

8.   Advocates must now begin immediately to gather signatures for a discharge petition to bring the bill to the House floor for a decisive vote.

9.   After the Planning Department erroneously classified the bakery as a fast-food joint and rejected its application, residents gathered signatures in support last month.

10.   But only two gathered enough signatures.

v. + signature >>共 190
collect 16.44%
gather 10.24%
forge 5.07%
put 4.14%
get 3.93%
have 3.52%
bear 2.79%
require 2.07%
add 1.86%
verify 1.86%
gather + n. >>共 706
information 15.45%
evidence 8.84%
datum 4.80%
momentum 3.01%
steam 2.88%
intelligence 2.61%
signature 2.46%
support 2.46%
dust 2.41%
strength 2.39%
每页显示:    共 98