1.   Her ideas have gradually gained influence in the company.

2.   Although the two governments may avoid a confrontation, Taiwan must face the uncomfortable prospect that China is gradually gaining influence over its affairs.

3.   And he indicated that he thought the ultimate aim of Ng and Trie was to gain political influence for themselves, not someone else.

4.   And they may help decide whether pro-choice, pro-gay, maverick Republicans like Weld will gain influence in the party or fade into oblivion.

5.   And with many states leapfrogging over one another to move up their primaries so they can gain more influence, the nominees may be settled by early March.

6.   Apparently, Joel Sr. believed Steward was gaining influence and cut him off.

7.   Any sign that North Korea is retreating into greater isolation or that its army is gaining influence will add to fears in the south.

8.   As he gains national influence, paying cozy visits to the White House for chats with FDR, Winchell is portrayed as dizzy with his own power.

9.   As alternative matured, so did the magazine and its writing, which have gained significant influence on younger music buyers.

10.   As women continue to gain political influence, the likelihood of female radio talkers will increase as well.

v. + influence >>共 390
have 21.08%
use 12.32%
wield 7.61%
exert 6.98%
exercise 2.54%
gain 2.48%
reduce 2.22%
limit 2.14%
lose 2.09%
increase 1.78%
gain + n. >>共 494
ground 7.40%
access 6.63%
control 4.75%
momentum 4.34%
support 3.85%
strength 2.76%
popularity 2.36%
attention 2.10%
confidence 1.96%
approval 1.92%
influence 0.70%
每页显示:    共 94