gain ground 65.70   But McCain is gaining ground.
  gain access 58.85   I need to gain access to the space under the floor.
  gain control 42.20   But Finley never gained control.
  gain momentum 38.58   Barak gained momentum.
  gain support 34.23   The proposal failed to gain support.
  gain strength 24.56   I gained strength.
  gain popularity 21.00   Convenience foods gained popularity.
  gain attention 18.70   Her next race should gain more attention.
  gain confidence 17.38   Balbuena is gaining confidence.
  gain approval 17.05   It hopes to gain FDA approval next year.
  gain weight 16.98   He gained weight.
  gain reputation 16.59   He had gained a reputation as a crook.
  gain share 14.94   It is focused on gaining market share.
  gain experience 13.43   I took the job to gain experience.
  gain acceptance 13.10   That concept is gaining acceptance.
  gain entry 12.90   Mr how did you gain entry to the flat?
  gain power 12.44   They gain power rather than lose it.
  gain seat 10.93   Democrats gained seats in the House.
  gain foothold 10.86   The army gained a foothold on the island.
  gain independence 10.40   He also gained independence.
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