have influence 53.06   And locally he may have some influence too.
  use influence 31.01   Never mind what influences I use.
  wield influence 19.16   His influence is wielded behind the scenes.
  exert influence 17.58   All exert an influence.
  exercise influence 6.39   They did exercise great influence.
  gain influence 6.25   Plavsic appeared to be gaining influence.
  reduce influence 5.60   It reduces our influence as a force for peace in the world.
  limit influence 5.40   The communists have limited influence.
  lose influence 5.27   Are critics losing their influence?
  increase influence 4.48   That will increase their influence.
  buy influence 3.95   It buys influence.
  expand influence 3.95   And the Cuban church hopes to expand its influence.
  retain influence 3.75   But he retains enormous influence.
  show influence 2.90   Her art shows the influence of pop culture.
  reflect influence 2.50   The law reflected these influences.
  curb influence 2.44   Supporters said the bill would curb special interest influence in Washington.
  extend influence 2.44   Syria had the opportunity to extend its influence in the region.
  feel influence 2.11   Their influence is still felt today.
  enjoy influence 1.78   Those officials have enjoyed enormous influence over Yeltsin.
  see influence 1.78   She sees her influence as both visual and cerebral.
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