1.   Add more oil as needed to fry patties in batches.

2.   Peas, eggs and felafels, fried patties with mashed chickpeas and spices inside.

3.   Fry patties until golden brown.

4.   Heat just enough oil to lightly coat the base of a non-stick frying pan and fry the patties until golden brown on both sides.

v. + patty >>共 44
place 10.53%
make 7.89%
fry 5.26%
brush 5.26%
coat 5.26%
dip 5.26%
add 2.63%
remove 2.63%
carry 2.63%
cook 2.63%
fry + n. >>共 139
chicken 7.52%
egg 6.54%
bacon 4.58%
onion 4.58%
fish 4.25%
meat 2.61%
potato 2.61%
tortilla 2.29%
food 2.29%
brain 1.96%
patty 1.31%
每页显示:    共 4