1.   It will be determined by the receivers rather than, as in the first exercise, by the sender.

2.   For all these reasons the additional time and effort involved in achieving the improved results, compared with the first exercise, will be significant.

3.   But many others regard the election as the first collective exercise in asserting their national ambitions.

4.   For the South African military, it will be the first joint exercise outside the country since sanctions were imposed on the apartheid regime decades ago.

5.   He said he felt he had almost no facility with words and was awkward in the first exercises without anything very clear to say.

6.   Hong Kong and Chinese marine police recently carried out their first joint anti-illegal exercise.

7.   Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic are shopping for new Western fighter jets as the first joint military exercises of NATO and Eastern European forces begin.

8.   In his first exercise of power, he selected Lahoud, a military commander with no political base, to be president.

9.   NATO grew a little bit bigger on Friday, with its first exercise in the former East Germany.

10.   NATO grew a little bit bigger Friday, with its first exercise in the former East Germany.

a. + exercise >>共 1186
military 19.04%
joint 7.92%
training 6.99%
regular 2.64%
naval 2.58%
aerobic 1.40%
physical 1.26%
chinese 1.00%
similar 0.99%
first 0.97%
first + n. >>共 866
time 17.03%
half 3.66%
round 3.47%
day 2.41%
step 2.05%
game 1.75%
quarter 1.68%
year 1.32%
inning 1.07%
meeting 1.03%
exercise 0.03%
每页显示:    共 64