1.   Clean swept floors, no faded blooms or tired houseplants are good indications of good husbandry and therefore reliable product.

2.   As roses go into their seasonal swan song, resist the temptation to deadhead, or remove faded blooms.

3.   In my Pennsylvania garden, plants in full sun bloomed from April through June and, if the faded blooms were cut back, again in September.

a. + bloom >>共 223
full 21.27%
white 4.36%
algal 2.85%
yellow 2.51%
spent 2.35%
early 1.84%
first 1.84%
beautiful 1.68%
fragrant 1.68%
purple 1.68%
faded 0.67%
faded + n. >>共 246
jean 9.63%
memory 3.72%
denim 3.28%
photograph 2.84%
color 1.97%
photo 1.75%
flower 1.75%
mural 1.53%
glory 1.53%
poster 1.53%
bloom 0.88%
每页显示:    共 4