1.   Peter Weir directs this dazzlingly executed conceit.

2.   Peter Weir directs this dazzlingly executed conceit, and the strong cast includes Laura Linney and Ed Harris.

3.   Peter Weir directs this dazzlingly executed conceit and the strong cast includes Laura Linney and Ed Harris.

4.   The entire movie is a dazzlingly executed conceit that plays expertly on our sense of media manipulation, as both viewer and victim.

a. + conceit >>共 71
executed 4.82%
central 4.82%
literary 3.61%
theatrical 3.61%
interesting 2.41%
ruling 2.41%
all-american 1.20%
appropriate 1.20%
artistic 1.20%
brilliant 1.20%
executed + n. >>共 111
prisoner 26.19%
man 7.54%
criminal 5.16%
activist 2.78%
convict 2.38%
writer 2.38%
conceit 1.59%
one 1.59%
civilian 1.19%
inmate 1.19%
每页显示:    共 4