executed prisoner 4.34   Who is the executed prisoners?
  executed man 1.25   Relatives of the executed men were barred from visiting.
  executed criminal 0.86   Officials deny they ever use organs from an executed criminal without their permission.
  executed activist 0.46   The supporters of the executed activists allege that the charges were trumped up for political reasons.
  executed convict 0.39   The Interior Ministry identified the executed convict as James Pinto.
  executed writer 0.39   Owens Wiwa, younger brother of executed Nigerian writer and environmentalist Ken Saro-Wiwa, has moved to Canada.
  executed conceit 0.26   Peter Weir directs this dazzlingly executed conceit.
  executed one 0.26   The three would be executed one after the other with Piandiong going first, Sistoza said.
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