1.   Owens Wiwa, younger brother of executed Nigerian writer and environmentalist Ken Saro-Wiwa, has moved to Canada.

2.   Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien voiced sadness over receiving the news Saturday, a day after he had met Ken Wiwa, son of the executed writer.

3.   The son of executed Nigerian writer Ken Saro-Wiwa departed from Auckland for London Saturday, according to a Nigerian civil liberties activist here.

4.   The delegation, which arrived last Friday, was due on Wednesday in Port Harcourt, in Rivers state, where the executed writer Saro-Wiwa hailed from.

5.   The Ogoni ethnic group, to which executed writer Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight of his companions belonged, is also in Rivers state.

6.   The Nigerian human rights activist Olisa Agbakoba, who helped defend executed Ogoni writer Ken Saro-Wiwa among others, was awarded the Aachen Peace Prize Monday.

a. + writer >>共 922
free-lance 6.46%
editorial 4.51%
young 2.83%
freelance 2.73%
american 2.25%
british 1.95%
great 1.76%
black 1.22%
prolific 1.18%
senior 1.14%
executed 0.12%
executed + n. >>共 111
prisoner 26.19%
man 7.54%
criminal 5.16%
activist 2.78%
convict 2.38%
writer 2.38%
conceit 1.59%
one 1.59%
civilian 1.19%
inmate 1.19%
每页显示:    共 6