1.   Rightwing mantras of tax cuts and small government no longer excite voters.

2.   Beyond his tax cut package, he had no new proposals to excite voters or compete with the dozens of mini-programs tossed out daily by Clinton.

3.   Beyond that, in his cautious efforts to avoid mistakes, Pataki may win some moderate votes but lose the chance to excite undecided voters.

4.   But Clinton is hanging tough, and the GOP has not cast up a potential nominee who excites voters.

5.   But for several reasons that line of criticism failed to excite voters.

6.   He is seen as too stiff, too eager to please, too caught up in policy gobbledygook to excite voters.

7.   In New Hampshire, with its open primary, voters became excited by McCain in a way that they did not with Bradley.

8.   It is not a line that is likely to excite voters.

9.   Neither candidate could excite voters interested in progressive social policy or independent thought.

10.   Neither Gramm nor Alexander has been able to excite voters with firm conservative values the way Forbes and Buchanan have.

v. + voter >>共 539
woo 3.47%
attract 3.43%
register 3.31%
alienate 2.93%
intimidate 2.58%
sway 2.48%
court 2.07%
turn 2.00%
reach 1.91%
influence 1.46%
excite 0.57%
excite + n. >>共 220
people 6.11%
crowd 4.30%
fan 4.07%
voter 4.07%
investor 3.62%
interest 2.71%
child 1.81%
player 1.81%
passion 1.58%
sense 1.58%
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