excite people 1.78   They excited people.
  excite crowd 1.25   Occasionally, he can excite the crowd.
  excite fan 1.18   And excite their fans once again.
  excite voter 1.18   Platforms rarely excite voters.
  excite investor 1.05   Sugar continued to excite investors.
  excite interest 0.79   The posters excited much interest in the show.
  excite child 0.53   Our announcement excited the children.
  excite player 0.53   Some coaches just try to get the players excited.
  excite kid 0.46   It takes nothing to get kids excited about chess.
  excite passion 0.46   Why should arguments over the issue excite the passion they often do?
  excite sense 0.46   The process excites his senses.
  excite market 0.39   A big order from Iran particularly excited the market.
  excite student 0.39   The students were clearly excited by the chance to be in court.
  excite curiosity 0.33   He also excites curiosity about the language.
  excite doctor 0.33   That, claims Navarro, has doctors most excited.
  excite game 0.33   And how excited the game felt about him.
  excite imagination 0.33   But for all that, it still has the power to excite the imagination.
  excite lot 0.33   So far, Miami is exciting a lot of people.
  excite atom 0.26   It excites atoms to create light.
  excite coach 0.26   His quick hands allow him to do some things with the bat that excite coaches.
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