1.   An array of independent group ranging from the National Rifle Association to groups favoring abortion rights also filled the airwaves with commercials intended to sway voters.

2.   An outsider or a special interest should not be able to come into a primary state and drop millions to sway voters with misleading ads.

3.   And seeking to sway voters who consider prosperity an argument for Gore, Bush said that his opponent would actually endanger the good times.

4.   As a result, the government can allocate resources only for informational materials about the settlement that do not attempt to sway voters.

5.   Before this year, studios mailed out thousands of ornate packages, often complete with specially printed books, to sway voters with campaigns beginning as early as October.

6.   Both Zimmer and Torricelli have relied heavily on television advertising to sway voters.

7.   A third party should not be able to come into a primary state and drop millions to sway voters with misleading ads.

8.   Ads in the District of Columbia are designed to sway voters in the suburban Maryland district of Rep. Connie Morella.

9.   Again and again, each side declared itself the rightful Reform Party, the one with a real chance to sway American voters.

10.   Bush had targeted El Paso as a place where he could show that a conservative message will sway Hispanic voters.

v. + voter >>共 539
woo 3.47%
attract 3.43%
register 3.31%
alienate 2.93%
intimidate 2.58%
sway 2.48%
court 2.07%
turn 2.00%
reach 1.91%
influence 1.46%
sway + n. >>共 185
voter 13.27%
vote 6.80%
building 4.08%
judge 3.91%
jury 3.57%
opinion 3.23%
decision 3.23%
juror 2.21%
election 2.04%
people 1.87%
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