1.   He chose a dependent wife in Elsie, who further controlled him by her ailments and excessive demands.

2.   However, violent sports that make excessive demands on the body with little preparation, can do more harm than good.

3.   Problems such as deadlines, noise, Marital strife, excessive demands made on our time by others, and so forth.

4.   The new managers did find that their new positions made excessive demands.

5.   We urge that what is devised should not make excessive demands upon time or resources.

6.   Weakened by warfare, imported diseases and the excessive demands of their overlords, they were obliged in the end to submit.

7.   Nor was it the case that Franco made deliberately excessive demands, in the knowledge that the Axis would be unwilling to meet them.

8.   Excessive demands are placed on governments by sectional interest groups beyond their capacity to meet them.

9.   Col. Lois Beard was likely to become the first mother promoted to Army general when she retired, citing excessive demands.

10.   Excessive demand is no longer a problem.

a. + demand >>共 682
strong 7.04%
domestic 5.12%
increased 3.67%
growing 3.37%
weak 2.69%
high 2.22%
increasing 1.79%
new 1.49%
key 1.46%
rising 1.36%
excessive 0.21%
excessive + n. >>共 772
force 12.17%
use 4.31%
amount 3.36%
speed 1.97%
heat 1.56%
level 1.53%
violence 1.42%
government 1.32%
rain 1.22%
demand 1.12%
每页显示:    共 33