1.   Clean any pots that held diseased plants with a solution of one part bleach to nine parts water.

2.   Cut off diseased plants.

3.   Diseased plants should be burned or destroyed, but not composted.

4.   Do the leaves from these and other diseased plants end up in the compost?

5.   Remove and destroy diseased plant parts, including fallen flowers and foliage.

6.   The current outbreak began when diseased plants were illegally brought into the Miami area six years ago.

7.   Initially aphids were blamed, but the plant has a tough skin and Pearson said they never found any of them on diseased plants.

a. + plant >>共 744
nuclear 9.40%
new 8.26%
manufacturing 3.71%
processing 2.82%
chemical 2.15%
native 1.83%
industrial 1.27%
potted 1.24%
generating 1.22%
bottling 1.19%
diseased 0.06%
diseased + n. >>共 105
cell 9.24%
tissue 7.59%
heart 5.94%
bird 5.28%
animal 4.62%
tree 3.30%
lung 2.97%
organ 2.64%
area 2.31%
plant 2.31%
每页显示:    共 7