diseased cell 1.84   Monoclonal antibodies can seek out and destroy diseased cells.
  diseased tissue 1.51   Matrix hopes this will confine the cancer-fighting effects to the diseased tissues.
  diseased heart 1.18   His diseased heart had sent him into cardiac arrest.
  diseased bird 1.05   The diseased birds are believed to have come from China.
  diseased animal 0.92   The Ketley farm had only that one diseased animal.
  diseased tree 0.66   The number of diseased trees has doubled in the past year.
  diseased lung 0.59   A snippet of his diseased lung was sent to the same archive.
  diseased organ 0.53   The statement did not mention any evidence of diseased organs.
  diseased area 0.46   If there is regrowth within a diseased area, brown patch could be the problem.
  diseased brain 0.46   Brain imaging research is only a piece of the puzzle in understanding how the diseased brain works.
  diseased cow 0.46   The diseased cow was believed at first to suffer from rabies.
  diseased plant 0.46   Cut off diseased plants.
  diseased chicken 0.39   Russian inspectors allegedly found diseased chickens from those four states.
  diseased liver 0.39   Before removing a diseased liver, she said, the surrounding lymph nodes should be biopsied.
  diseased cattle 0.33   Diseased cattle feed led to the spread of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease.
  diseased fish 0.33   Last week, Washam warned people not to eat the diseased fish or swim in waters where they are found.
  diseased part 0.33   Divide bearded irises, cutting away any diseased parts of the rhizomes before replanting.
  diseased carcass 0.26   But officials say people are more likely to become infected by handling a diseased carcass or by eating meat that has been contaminated.
  diseased kidney 0.26   His two diseased kidneys were not removed.
  diseased mouth 0.26   The sleeves would cover up pictures of diseased mouths and lungs that Ottawa ordered placed on cigarette packaging as a way to combat smoking.
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