1.   A small number of biomedical companies already have pilot manufacturing plants in San Diego.

2.   All the Republicans except Buchanan support global free trade and oppose direct measures to discourage companies from moving manufacturing plants overseas.

3.   In the late seventies we conducted a pilot evaluation of video tele-conferencing for a group of engineers building a new manufacturing plant.

4.   The company said a small herd of goats can produce protein-based medicines less expensively than a giant manufacturing plant.

5.   The restructuring will include job reductions and the closing of two manufacturing plants.

6.   Wireboard, by contrast, chose both to reengineer its manufacturing plants and to reorganize around process.

7.   Since their manufacturing plant has been closed down and the building converted into the Templeton Business Centre.

8.   When combining the capabilities of both the established and new manufacturing plant, flexibility has also greatly increased.

9.   The manufacturing plant once surrounding it, is today located separately about half a mile away.

10.   Large numbers of US-owned concerns are setting up manufacturing plants just over the Mexican frontier in order to escape increasingly tough federal anti-pollution regulations.

a. + plant >>共 744
nuclear 9.40%
new 8.26%
manufacturing 3.71%
processing 2.82%
chemical 2.15%
native 1.83%
industrial 1.27%
potted 1.24%
generating 1.22%
bottling 1.19%
manufacturing + n. >>共 528
sector 10.07%
plant 7.75%
activity 6.32%
company 5.39%
industry 5.06%
process 4.73%
facility 3.27%
job 3.07%
operation 2.92%
cost 2.22%
每页显示:    共 399