1.   The discussion touched on a sore spot.

2.   And on occasion, the discussion touched the subject of the Troggs.

3.   In public and private, discussions have touched on questions of treatment, prevention, a newly-created AIDS fund, and hopes for a cure.

4.   The discussions also touched on highly practical matters such as rotating gasoline stockpiles and the names of gun dealers who give steep discounts to militia members.

5.   The discussion barely touched on the issues of truth and justice.

6.   But political discussions will touch on more contentious fundamental issues, and lack of agreement would worsen tensions, Shi said.

7.   Discussions will touch on topics of general Christian interest, such as religious freedom and bioethics.

8.   Discussions also touched on cooperation in the arms procurement sector.

9.   So far, the discussion has not touched large concerns including the post-telecommunications network, the railroad and the electrical power grid, Backovic said.

n. + touch >>共 859
foot 2.43%
hand 2.22%
talk 2.06%
issue 1.32%
ball 1.27%
people 1.22%
finger 1.16%
decision 0.95%
case 0.95%
death 0.85%
discussion 0.79%
discussion + v. >>共 311
be 39.55%
continue 5.54%
take 4.79%
focus 4.33%
begin 3.28%
include 2.20%
go 1.97%
turn 1.84%
come 1.38%
lead 1.34%
touch 0.49%
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