discussion be 79.39   And there was discussion.
  discussion continue 11.13   Discussion will continue.
  discussion take 9.61   The discussion took off from there.
  discussion focus 8.69   Not all the discussion between students focused on algebra.
  discussion begin 6.58   A discussion began.
  discussion include 4.41   The discussions will also include renovating military sites.
  discussion go 3.95   But the discussion did not go away.
  discussion turn 3.69   Discussions turned heated after that.
  discussion come 2.76   The discussions came to nothing.
  discussion lead 2.70   A general discussion led by Fr.
  discussion center 2.63   The discussion centers on that point.
  discussion have 2.30   The discussions had a cathartic aura.
  discussion involve 2.17   He declined to say whom the discussions involved.
  discussion resume 2.17   Discussions resume next week.
  discussion follow 2.04   The predictable discussion follows.
  discussion end 1.78   Those discussions ended without a deal.
  discussion cover 1.58   Discussions will cover economic cooperation.
  discussion seem 1.51   Now, the discussion seems endless and unclear.
  discussion dominate 1.38   The campaign has been dominated by discussion of the economy.
  discussion start 1.25   If a political discussion starts, I throw everyone out.
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