1.   At least once, by her account, their talk apparently touched on what a Higher Authority might expect from Clinton.

2.   His talk touched primarily on the subject of locker-room and on-the-field harmony, but Armstead also gave a vote of confidence to Brown.

3.   People on both sides said the talks had touched on the barriers to an agreement, including the issue of spending for Medicare and Medicaid.

4.   So far talks have only touched on housing and retirement issues, with the sensitive wage issue still on the back burner, union officials said.

5.   Talks have only touched on housing and retirement issues, with the sensitive wage issue still on the back burner, union officials said.

6.   Talks also touched upon both leaders efforts to reorganize and scale down the size of their respective governments.

7.   The contents of the message were not revealed, and officials said the talks did not touch upon whether Kim Jong Il would come to South Korea.

8.   A Mubarak aide said the talks also touched on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty but denied Washington was pressuring Egypt to vote for indefinite renewal of the pact.

9.   But when the talk touched on politics, he grew quiet and puffed on a waterpipe.

10.   China invited a high-ranking Taiwanese non-government official to visit Beijing and compromised by dropping its insistence that talks touch on political issues.

n. + touch >>共 859
foot 2.43%
hand 2.22%
talk 2.06%
issue 1.32%
ball 1.27%
people 1.22%
finger 1.16%
decision 0.95%
case 0.95%
death 0.85%
talk + v. >>共 359
be 28.78%
resume 6.22%
begin 5.54%
continue 5.02%
take 3.00%
fail 2.86%
break_down 2.74%
go 2.66%
focus 2.30%
end 1.88%
touch 0.26%
每页显示:    共 39