1.   Neither the new regional conferences nor the revived Labour League of Youth were allowed to debate national policy.

2.   Campbell proposed gathering representatives of business, academia, unions and environmentalists into a new forum to debate trade policy.

3.   It may be more pleasant to debate policy than money.

4.   Its members meet tomorrow to debate policy.

5.   Policy-makers meet Thursday to set rates and debate monetary policy, with just two further rate-setting meetings left before the end of the year.

6.   The political conflict will come to a head Thursday, when the lower house is due to debate employment policy.

7.   They ratify treaties and debate international policies.

8.   That image is fast fading, with more candidates speaking out in favor of district-level interests and displaying a willingness to debate central policy.

9.   The parliamentarians are expected to nominate members for the proposed six standing committees and debate policy.

10.   Mozambique on Wednesday opens a national seminar to debate policy on one of the most explosive issues to face its first post-war government, the land issue.

n. + policy >>共 624
government 11.57%
immigration 3.31%
energy 2.98%
trade 2.87%
tax 2.67%
company 2.34%
drug 2.20%
security 1.94%
administration 1.94%
defense 1.43%
debate 0.12%
debate + n. >>共 279
team 4.93%
commission 4.39%
rage 3.73%
performance 3.20%
preparation 3.20%
format 2.40%
issue 2.40%
site 1.86%
legislation 1.73%
watcher 1.73%
policy 1.60%
每页显示:    共 12