debate team 2.44   Debate team.
  debate commission 2.17   The debate commission had no immediate comment.
  debate rage 1.84   So the debate rages, irresolvable.
  debate performance 1.58   Bush said he was satisfied with his debate performance.
  debate preparation 1.58   Cheney, in Wyoming for debate preparation.
  debate format 1.18   The debate formats will differ.
  debate issue 1.18   EU to debate security issues.
  debate site 0.92   Warming up for the debate Wednesday, Dole made a quick trip to check out the debate site.
  debate legislation 0.86   Senate Democrats are poised to debate similar legislation as early as Thursday.
  debate watcher 0.86   Two instant network polls of debate watchers rated the final match about even.
  debate policy 0.79   Its members meet tomorrow to debate policy.
  debate coach 0.66   He also served as his debate coach during the campaign.
  debate material 0.66   Lozano has denied mailing the debate materials.
  debate organizer 0.66   The debate organizers had not anticipated three candidates.
  debate rule 0.66   Throughout the day he offered Shays alternates for the debate rules.
  debate schedule 0.66   Morales and Sanchez have been sparring over a debate schedule.
  debate hall 0.59   On Wednesday Dole also toured the debate hall.
  debate beginning 0.53   The vote will follow a three-day debate beginning Tuesday.
  debate center 0.53   The debate centers around what a PP government would get in return.
  debate sponsor 0.53   Then the debate sponsors agreed to the satellite hookup.
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