1.   Although the trans-Atlantic relationship will become more equal, the United States will remain the senior partner, at least in foreign and defense policy.

2.   As a member of the House National Security Committee that helps craft defense policy and spending decisions, Harman often is allied with conservative Republicans on the panel.

3.   As they did during the first debate, the candidates sparred over issues ranging from Medicare to defense policy.

4.   As most EU countries merge their economies and move toward a single currency, the prospects for a common defense policy remain cloudy.

5.   As Tokyo starts finding its way to a new military role, it must continue coordinating its defense policies closely with Washington.

6.   Besides the issue of voting, the biggest issue confronting the leaders was coordinating defense policies.

7.   Bosnia cast the absence of a coordinated European defense policy in painfully stark terms, and set the controversial precedent that is now being followed in Kosovo.

8.   A common defense policy brings a huge peace dividend.

9.   A speech on defense policy a week earlier also lacked price tags.

10.   Bush made his remarks as he visited a military base for a third consecutive day, outlining his defense policies and priorities.

n. + policy >>共 624
government 11.57%
immigration 3.31%
energy 2.98%
trade 2.87%
tax 2.67%
company 2.34%
drug 2.20%
security 1.94%
administration 1.94%
defense 1.43%
defense + n. >>共 309
lawyer 15.07%
attorney 12.96%
minister 11.58%
official 5.04%
system 4.38%
ministry 3.12%
secretary 2.97%
team 2.75%
contractor 1.91%
industry 1.54%
policy 0.71%
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