1.   Does the expression fish or cut bait mean anything to you?

2.   Fish or cut bait.

3.   Time for Pete Babcock to fish or cut bait.

4.   Woodson has been hurt, of course, but it is time to fish or cut bait.

n. + bait >>共 65
trade 33.55%
fish 7.10%
jerk 2.58%
ant 2.58%
cut 2.58%
shark 2.58%
veto 2.58%
roach 1.94%
termite 1.94%
cockroach 1.29%
cut + n. >>共 432
plan 5.18%
proposal 4.57%
fastball 4.42%
side 4.12%
rate 3.43%
cost 2.90%
lip 2.36%
package 2.21%
bill 2.06%
tax 1.30%
bait 0.30%
每页显示:    共 4