1.   Computerised library courses certainly teach the student how to interact with the terminal and use computer dialogue.

2.   Leadership courses can only teach skills.

3.   The course taught the correct techniques.

4.   A new course is teaching women how to deal with what can be a frightening situation.

5.   Swails took advantage of the American Humanics courses taught at Missouri Valley College.

6.   The Kaplan course taught him how to spot subjects that did not agree with verbs and offered shortcuts and practice tests, he said.

7.   The organization prepares children to vote through specific civics courses taught in participating schools.

8.   The one-week courses teach how to find food, create shelter and use natural medicines.

9.   These courses teach new clients how to use the trading software.

10.   Gore will also teach a course at a journalism school in Tennessee, said a Columbia official who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

n. + teach >>共 677
school 5.58%
experience 5.21%
father 4.92%
mother 3.79%
history 3.31%
teacher 3.17%
parent 2.74%
program 1.75%
church 1.56%
professor 1.33%
course 0.76%
course + v. >>共 356
be 43.73%
have 3.60%
include 2.90%
play 2.04%
cover 1.39%
start 0.98%
take 0.98%
give 0.94%
seem 0.94%
run 0.90%
teach 0.65%
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