school teach 7.77   Should schools teach sex education?
  experience teach 7.24   What did the experience teach her?
  father teach 6.85   His father taught him.
  mother teach 5.27   Did her mother teach her?
  history teach 4.61   So what does history teach?
  teacher teach 4.41   Teachers taught it.
  parent teach 3.82   My parents taught me how to read.
  program teach 2.44   The program teaches children of varying ages.
  church teach 2.17   He knows what the church teaches.
  professor teach 1.84   Professor teaches love for eight-legged creatures.
  instructor teach 1.78   In the United States, many instructors teach a hybrid of styles.
  class teach 1.58   The class teaches you how to incapacitate an attacker.
  book teach 1.45   Her book teaches spam-fighting.
  coach teach 1.12   The coach teaches us the rules.
  dad teach 1.12   My dad taught us discipline.
  student teach 1.12   In some cases, graduate students teach their own courses.
  course teach 1.05   The course taught the correct techniques.
  people teach 0.86   Some people taught to overthrow capitalism.
  crisis teach 0.79   The crisis taught him differently.
  game teach 0.79   Word games teach in tricky ways.
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