course be 70.44   How long ago was the course?
  course have 5.79   This course has a great history.
  course include 4.67   The course might not include Karl.
  course play 3.29   The course played extremely long.
  course cover 2.24   The course covers three main subject areas.
  course start 1.58   The course starts on a Monday.
  course take 1.58   The cheese course takes many forms.
  course give 1.51   I took what the course gave me.
  course seem 1.51   The proper course seems obvious.
  course run 1.45   The course runs over a three year period.
  course begin 1.38   The course began on Monday.
  course provide 1.38   His courses provided further challenges.
  course look 1.32   The course itself looks a little different.
  course help 1.25   Denisova said the revamped course helped her.
  course come 1.12   All the main courses come with salad and chips.
  course involve 1.12   And what does the preliminary two week course involve?
  course offer 1.12   All courses offer field trips and college credit.
  course teach 1.05   The course taught the correct techniques.
  course become 0.99   In lesser hands, the course would simply become a pretty background.
  course get 0.99   Pitch-and-putt courses get no respect.
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