1.   The company makes medical devices that use laser technology for correcting eye disorders.

2.   Brain disorders may be corrected in the unborn using stem cells, scientist say in a study.

3.   Gene therapy corrects immune system disorder in two children,

4.   He was enrolled in an experiment designed to test if such disorders can be corrected with new genes.

5.   Ulcer medications only alleviate the symptoms but do nothing to correct the disorder.

v. + disorder >>共 158
treat 14.13%
cause 10.28%
have 7.28%
control 3.43%
create 3.43%
call 2.78%
prevent 2.57%
develop 2.36%
suffer 1.93%
link 1.71%
correct 1.07%
correct + n. >>共 428
problem 25.18%
error 6.65%
mistake 6.60%
situation 3.25%
imbalance 2.62%
flaw 1.80%
deficiency 1.70%
report 1.36%
seasoning 1.26%
defect 1.26%
disorder 0.24%
每页显示:    共 5