1.   But this volume corrects that situation.

2.   He is actively working to help you correct the situation.

3.   The Clinton administration promised in its first term to correct the situation.

4.   Whenever possible, try to correct unfair situations, not just walk away from them.

5.   We are taking steps to correct the situation.

6.   A domestic did miss her on one occasion when her husband and son were present and corrected the situation.

7.   Be prepared to describe how your company is dealing with or correcting the situation.

8.   A bank oversight was responsible for the error, Thorner said, and the situation should be corrected shortly.

9.   But he expressed little hope that the situation could be corrected quickly.

v. + situation >>共 580
discuss 10.56%
monitor 5.53%
handle 4.70%
assess 4.62%
improve 2.89%
review 2.41%
calm 2.08%
defuse 1.84%
describe 1.81%
resolve 1.68%
correct 0.96%
correct + n. >>共 428
problem 25.18%
error 6.65%
mistake 6.60%
situation 3.25%
imbalance 2.62%
flaw 1.80%
deficiency 1.70%
report 1.36%
seasoning 1.26%
defect 1.26%
每页显示:    共 67