1.   But given the way that corn sales work, with routine commingling, the decision to approve StarLink for animal feed only was not practical.

2.   Corn sales have slowed as China stepped up exports to other Asian nations, undercutting demand for U.S. crops.

3.   Corn sales have slumped as China, second only the U.S. in corn output, has stepped up sales, reducing demand for supplies.

4.   Corn sales more than doubled and soybean exports more than tripled.

5.   Grain traders said talk of possible large U.S. corn sales to China and Japan boosted prices despite the lack of confirmation.

6.   Kansas City wheat and Chicago wheat, corn and soybean futures prices continued higher Wednesday amid talk of corn export sales and fears of a summer drought.

7.   The increase will be driven largely by North American corn seed sales, he said.

8.   Traders around the world use the Board of Trade contracts as the benchmark for virtually all other corn sales.

9.   U.S. corn export sales have been disappointing for months, traders said.

10.   Weekly corn sales slowed as futures prices rallied.

n. + sale >>共 602
retail 11.75%
ticket 5.51%
arm 4.33%
car 3.47%
oil 3.32%
bond 3.14%
asset 2.74%
export 2.63%
auto 2.29%
share 2.07%
corn 0.16%
corn + n. >>共 309
future 23.10%
price 17.41%
crop 6.44%
field 3.47%
kernel 3.04%
tortilla 2.53%
export 1.70%
husk 1.62%
farmer 1.58%
harvest 1.50%
sale 0.87%
每页显示:    共 22