corn future 38.51   Corn futures also fell.
  corn price 29.03   Corn prices slipped as well.
  corn crop 10.73   The only weak point is the corn crop.
  corn field 5.79   A corn field?
  corn kernel 5.07   Add corn kernels.
  corn tortilla 4.21   Corn tortillas.
  corn export 2.83   Corn exports also continue to be strong.
  corn husk 2.70   Remove corn husks.
  corn farmer 2.63   The corn farmer calls it corn smut.
  corn harvest 2.50   Conditions for corn harvest remained unchanged.
  corn plant 2.24   The corn plant likes high humidity.
  corn dog 1.84   Wait, corn dogs.
  corn production 1.84   China is second only to the U.S. in corn production.
  corn mixture 1.71   Add to corn mixture.
  corn pollen 1.58   Medicine men had blessed the flag with corn pollen.
  corn sale 1.45   Weekly corn sales slowed as futures prices rallied.
  corn cob 1.18   Add the corn cobs.
  corn flavor 1.18   Boil the ears when you want pure corn flavor.
  corn import 1.18   Zambia faced food shortages unless corn imports arrived soon.
  corn product 1.18   Corn products make up the remainder of shipments.
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