1.   There are two core elements of support offered to local voluntary groups by the Campaign - information and grants.

2.   Pupils attend school in the mornings to cover the core skills elements of the programme, and college in the afternoon to develop their vocational skills.

3.   There was no need to sell the subject, constituting as it did, a core element of the compulsory curriculum.

4.   Because Versace had those core elements to his work, he could impose them on trends of the moment without losing his identity.

5.   Achieving these goals depends on the continued promotion of democracy as a core element in U.S. Africa policy.

6.   Gustafson pointed out that NBC also established important core elements of the broadcasting business model.

7.   It is not so much that the core elements of pickpocketing have been altered as the tone has been transformed, detectives say.

8.   The British government changed several sections of the bill during the legislative process, but it retains these core elements.

9.   The core elements such as movement actions and character inventory are reminiscent of that series.

10.   Their strategies share three core elements.

n. + element >>共 340
design 5.75%
rogue 4.04%
right-wing 2.64%
time 2.48%
core 2.48%
fringe 2.17%
plot 2.17%
story 2.02%
picture 1.86%
surprise 1.55%
core + n. >>共 449
business 19.79%
group 5.72%
issue 4.91%
rate 2.71%
value 2.47%
constituency 2.14%
audience 1.87%
operation 1.84%
belief 1.80%
sample 1.74%
element 0.53%
每页显示:    共 16